Instagram marketing! Krok po kroku do 10 000 obserwujących! // Instagram Marketing 2018: A Step-By-Step to 10,000 Followers

Instagram Marketing 2018: A Step-By-Step to 10,000 Followers

Jeden z lepiej sprzedających się kursów!

Stworzony przez Benjamina Wilsona, Anneliese Wilson
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 3/2018
Języki: Angielski, polski

Napisy: English [auto-generated], Italian [auto-generated], polski [auto-generated]

Czego się nauczysz?
- Stworzysz potężne konto na Instagramie krok po kroku!
- Zobaczysz, jak w prosty sposób zdobyć 10000 obserwujących.
- Używanie "long tail" sprawi, że na Twój profil trafią tylko osoby zainteresowane Twoją tematykąa!
- Poznasz sposoby zarządzania swoim kontem, poznasz kilka strategii które przyciągną obserwujących i sprawią, że Twoje statystyki i konwersja drastycznie wzrosną.

- Aplikacja Instagram


Instagram is a powerful and fun social tool that allows you to market your business to hundreds of new customers everyday! There are over 200 million Instagram users, and learning simple strategies to gain targeted followers can significantly increase your businesses revenue.

Instagram is a simple & effective way to connect to new customers:
  • Create an attractive and powerful Instagram business profile
  • Connect with 500 targeted users every day on Instagram
  • Build strong trustworthy relationships with your Instagram followers
  • Use the follower funnel technique to convert followers to paying customers
Instagram is a small time investment for a huge customer return!
Once you spend a couple of hours learning the powerful Instagram marketing techniques in this course, it will pay off with reaching thousands of new customers, and building a strong trustworthy relationship with them. Instagram will skyrocket your brand awareness to a level beyond your expectations.
When making a purchasing decision, people online use your social media presence as a measure of the quality, and trustworthiness of your business. Nothing speaks trust and quality louder than having a thousands of targeted, real, and loving Instagram followers on your profile (of which you can contact at any time!)

Instagram for Business Contents and Overview
This Instagram course contains over 40 lectures and 5 hours of content. It’s designed for anyone with less than 10,000 Instagram followers who want to learn how to use Instagram to grow their business.
In this course, we start with the very basics and you will learn how to create a powerful Instagram profile for your business designed to effectively appeal your target customer. Even for people who have already established an account, it is imperative to know that you have done this in the optimal way for Instagram growth!
You’ll then learn, using the incredible Instagram promotional strategies, how to gain hundreds of followers, comments and likes for your business account every single day.
What sets this apart from other Instagram management courses is that by the end of this course – you will know several strategies that you can use to utilise these followers and convert your successful Instagram statistics into sales and loyal fans!
By the end of this course, you’ll have valuable skills that will help you effectively build a strong community of Instagram followers, convert them to email addresses, and finally sell them your products and services.
You’ll also receive practice activities, live demonstrations, and helpful resources to guide you through the entire process. From setting up your Instagram account, gathering a strong relevant following, to increasing the profit of your business.

We are  looking forward to seeing you on the inside 😉
– Benji and Anneliese
Who is the target audience?
  • This Instagram course is suitable for businesses who have less than 10,000 Instagram followers
  • This course is probably not for you if you’re looking to learn super advanced strategies.
Rozmiar pliku: Ponad 2GB.


2 komentarze:

  1. Coś pięknego! Kurs dostałem jako prezent, potem zapodziałem konto i pobrałem stąd! W oryginalne jest tylko po angielsku tutaj są przetłumaczone napisy szacunek dla założyciela strony!!

  2. W trzy tygodnie po kursie miałam 4 tysiące obserwujących więcej dużo zależy od branży ale wszystko działa jak powinno polecam każdemu


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